Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           October 20, 2024



Order of Worship





Hymn:    I Will Sing of the Mercies                                                             On Screen


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                            Trudy Crowley


Leader: Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name!


People: Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,


Leader: Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,


People: Who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,


Leader: Who satisfies you with good, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.


People: The LORD works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.


Leader: He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.


People: The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


Leader: He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever.        


People: He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.


Leader: For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him.


People:  As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.     


Opening Prayer:                                                                                    Trudy Crowley


Special Music:  #408 in old Hymnal                                                      Trudy Crowley


Children’s Moment:                                                                             Sally McKenney                                                                                      

Hymn:   Love Lifted Me                                                                                On Screen

 (Ushers collect prayer Cards)                                                                                                                                            

Pastoral Prayer /Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                                                       

Offertory/Doxology:                                                             Alan Metcalf & Mike Howe


Scripture Reading:  Revelation 2:8-11                                                   Trudy Crowley


Sermon: Smyrna                                                                                    Pastor Wayne                                                                                       

Hymn:   When the Saints Go Marching In                                                   On Screen



Prayer Requests


Prayers for Elizabeth, a great grandchild with drug related mental problems.


Continued prayers for Betty Stewart who is back in the hospital with pneumonia in one lung. Prayers for Jim as well.


Continued prayers for Larry and Nancy Karcher and Vivian and Jerry Smith.


Prayers for all the hurricane victims.


Unspoken prayer request.


Prayers for Donna Pratt who had surgery on her ankle.  


Please pray this will stop the repeated infections.


Prayers for a sister awaiting test results.


Prayers for all that are in need of food, clothes, and shelter.


Prayers for all military that are overseas.


Prayers for Israel and all Christians around the world.


Prayers for New Hope and family.


Prayers for good neighbors Jim & Jaz, God is good.


Praise God for this beautiful Day!


Praise the Lord that Larry Karcher is home and getting stronger each day!

Please come visit, call first.



What’s Happening at New Hope




A Harvest Dinner will be served in Fellowship Hall immediately after the worship service today. This is Faith Circle's way of saying,"Thank You" for purchasing apple pies these past 10 years!  We enjoyed making them and hope you benefited from eating them.  Our community benefited from the funds we raised from selling the pies. So, please join us today as we provide a meal for all of you as our way of thanking you for your support.


-Faith Circle


We Are Collecting Items for The Silent Auction!

 We have started collecting items for the Silent Auction and will continue accepting items thru Sunday, November 3rd.  The Silent Auction is intended to consist of higher valued items that are brand new or have never been used.  The auction will begin on Sunday, November 10 and will be taking place in the fellowship hall and will end 20 minutes after the service on November 24.  If you don’t have an item that is new or in like new condition to donate, how about something like a pie a month for 3 or 6months, maybe an Italian dinner for 4 or 6 people, help with cleaning,etc.  Let’s get creative!   The intention is to have fun while raising money to help allow our church to serve the community and to do the will of God. 


  A minimum bid may be placed on an item to ensure that the item generates an appropriate donation value.  If no one bids the minimum amount or bids on an item, you may pick up the item during the week of November 24 or we can hold it for another silent auction at a later date.


 Thank you all for your support in New Hope’s fundraising efforts!


Please contact Linda Randall (231-972-8742) or Laura Hall (231-972-7000) with any questions or see them on Sundays to drop off your donated item or items for the auction.  The items may also be dropped off on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays from 9 to noon.  Please call ahead to make sure Dawn will be there to receive your donation.



Monday Night Bible Study

Bible Study at 6:00 PM Room 110, "The Unshakeable Truth". How You Can Experience the 12Essentials of a Relevant Faith by Josh and Sean McDowell.  Everyone is welcome to join us.


Church Conference

Our first Church Conference will be October 28, 2024 at 6 pm here at New Hope GMC.



Shoebox packing time is coming soon!
Look for the shoebox display in the narthex.  There is an example of a packed shoebox, and shoeboxes that you can take and fill on your own.  They come flat with directions for folding on one of the tabs.  To give you ideas of what to put in the shoebox, there are lists for both boys and girls, as well as information about what cannot be sent. There are also sheets for children that can be filled out by children in your family and included in the box.  You can also include a photo of you and your family so the child receiving the box can see who sent them the gift.  It is recommended that the photo have a neutral background, for example a blank wall or trees or flowers outside.  The idea is to not show them our possessions, which will only make them more aware of how little they have in comparison.


     In addition, there is a poster with a list of the countries that shoeboxes have been sent to, and it's a long list!  There are photos of children who have received shoeboxes, and some short stories of how their lives have been impacted.


     Return filled shoeboxes and items you have purchased for our packing party to the chapel by November 3.  Mary-Martha will be packing shoeboxes on Wednesday, November 6, beginning at 1:00. You are invited to join us and share in the fun of packing a shoebox for a child.


     If you have questions, see Nancy Lepkowski, 231-972-4398, or Pat Leiter, 989-824-1113.


WSCS and Angels of Action

The WSCS at this time would like people to know that Angels of Action is now and only accepting donations of:


·       Pre-school – High school clothing new or gently used (free of      stains and holes

and washed).


New shoes & winter boots                                              Hygiene (new/unopened)


·       New Undergarments & Sleepwear                          Shampoo/conditioner, bar        

soap, toothpaste,toothbrush,

body wash, lotion, chapstick,            

washcloths, tampons,

·       No – sew fleece blanket kits                                    maxi pads, panty

liners, hairbushes, comb

 ·       New school supplies & backpacks                         


Food Items (new/unopend/unexpired)                             


Mac & cheese, juice boxes,peanut butter & Jelly 16 oz (plastic containers), Pop tarts, ramen,


fruit cups, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, meat sticks, cheese & cracker packs, granola bars.



10/13 Worship Stewardship Report           

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,190.00                        

Building –$ 90.00 / Plate - $ 70.00                                                                

Attendance: 71                                                                                                  



Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine”  (Matthew 5:16)  

This week the church is being lit in honor of our police, firemen, first responders and military ~ Anonymous                                              


Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday, going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.organd follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.





The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.


Upcoming Mission Activities:


>Campfire Music Gatherings (Oct 6-20 @ 5-7pm):  Join us for weekly times of fellowship and music around the campfire.  Bring your own snacks (to share), drink, chair,and a neighbor.   And, feel free to bring an instrument/guitar to play, or just bring your voice to sing along. 


>Food Drive (Oct 6-20):  New Hope family, be part of this year’s food drive as we collect bags of food or monetary donations for God’s Helping Hands (food pantry).  Bags can be picked up from the grocery cart in the narthex (entryway). Please drop off food in the cart.


>Royal View Worship Service (Oct 20th):   Mission Team Members will be conducting the worship service and providing Communion for our friends at Royal View.  Contact Wally if you would like to serve in this special ministry.


> ‘Trunk or Treat at NHGMC’:  Our Family Night program for October needs your help.  Please consider parking your vehicle (in NHGMC parking lot) and decorating your trunk.  Pick a theme about a bible character or a bible story and share a little ‘info’ as we all hand out candy on Halloween(Oct 31st).  Sign-Up sheet is at entrance to Fellowship Hall.


>Small Group Mission Activities:  See other announcements about the great things our NHGMC Small Groups are doing to support mission ministries.


Be‘In Mission’:


Let’s put our faith & words into loving action through mission work.  <><


For more info or questions…. contact a Mission Team member or Wally Ewing (Team Leader) at (231)414-4793 (text or call), or email wallygator57@hotmail.com.


In His Service,  

The Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group


Church Office Hours:  Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon                                    




Monday:    6:00PM – Bible Study                                       


Tuesday:     9:00 AM – Darts                                                                              

10:00 AM – Crafters                                      

                    3:00 PM – Men’s Bible Study                                                                                                                                               Wednesday: 1-3 PM –Disciple II                                                                                          

Thursday:    9:00 AM - Darts                                                                          


Friday:          Pastor’s Day Off


Saturday:     9:00 AM- Darts                                                                          


Sunday:       9:45 AM – Worship Service  

                   11:15 AM – Revelation Bible Study














       Office Phone: 231-972-2838                                                            










Pastor’sCell: 231-330-8521 









