Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

February 16, 2025

Order of Worship


Welcome/Announcements:                                                 Pastor Wayne

Hymn:   Revive Us Again                                                               Video

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                         Wally Ewing

Leader: For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves

to various  passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy,

hated by others and hating one another.

People: But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our

Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us

in righteousness, but according to his own mercy,

Leader: By the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, who

he poured out on us

Richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,

People: So that being justified by his grace, we might become heirs

according to the hope of eternal life. For we are his

workmanship,created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God

prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Opening Prayer:                                                                      Wally Ewing

Special Music:                                                                      Wally & Craig

Children’s Moment:                                                          Sally McKenney

Hymn:   Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus                                On Screen

(ushers collect Prayer cards)

Pastoral Prayer /

Lord’s Prayer

Offertory/ Doxology:  What a Friend We Have in Jesus                    Video

Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:9-13                                       Wally Ewing

Sermon:  Saints and Sinners                                             Pastor Wayne

Hymn:   Amazing Grace                                                         On Screen


Prayer Requests

Prayers for our daughter-in-law having a heart procedure this Friday.

Please lift my brother-in-law Dan Balasses and my sister Stacy up in prayer.

He has stage one lung cancer and is having surgery on Tuesday.

Also prayers for my grandson Jay Greene. He took a bad fall while

snowboarding and has a concussion. Praise God he was wearing a helmet.

Tom Nester had a massive stroke and is nearing the end.  Please pray for

him and his family.

Prayers for Jerry and Vivian Smith.

Healing prayers for Dulcie, recovering from surgery.

Much prayers for our Mike.

Prayers for Sharon Gray, Mike Howe, and Randy Piatt’s family.

Prayers for Greg W. in Hospice care, Chase for speech, Hannahfor health

concerns, for New Hope, and Our Countries leaders.

Prayers for a son who is having marital problems.

Prayers for Cheri Chapin’s dad, Keith Holmes, for skin cancer.

Prayers for Paul and Kim Sbraccia, Kaye and Richard Patton,and

Kristopher Green.

Praises for successful Cataract surgery.

Praises to our Lord today for we have sold Jack and Dee’shouse.

Praise for God’s love, mercy, care, and salvation.

What’s Happening at New Hope                                                                                                                                                    Blood Drive a Success
The American Red Cross Blood Drive at New Hope Church was a success.

There were16 donors, which was a good number for our first time in several

years. The goal was to have 20-25 donors. When they give us the date of

the next blood drive, we will crank up the advertising to assure the blood

drive will continue at our church.

Thank you New Hope blood donors Wally Ewing, Kay Rooker, Jim Stewart,

Kathy and Dave Baker! Your commitment is very much appreciated. I

especially want to thank Kathy and Dave for their help setting up and taking

down the tables and chairs in the gym. It was a fun day and I especially

enjoyed getting to visit with each of you.
Bev Rothenberger, Coordinator

Church Council Update -- January

Wally Ewing agreed to serve as the new Chairperson of the Church Council.

An updated NHGMC Mission & Vision Statement was approved. The

Mission statement now includes scriptures as the basis for how and why we

are to pursue our mission at New Hope. The Vision Statement has points

that align with our Mission Statement and show us what pursuing our action

should look like.

The Council continues to support New Hope’s Mission Ministries through

ongoing actions of support.  This includes: improved cleanliness of the

church, repair of outside doors, repair of main electrical sign, conducting

Family Fun Nights and Soup Suppers, providing updated Church

Directories,  and planning of a capital fund drive to pay off the church


An Annual Assessment of NHGMC’s “health” is being conducted by the

Counsel to determine how our church is doing and to identify any areas of

concern for New Hope’s future.

Treasurer’s Report of Fund Giving for the month of December: The General

Fund Activity balance was $37,591, the Building Fund Activity balance was

$10,265, and the mortgage balance was $80,483.

Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry

The Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry has chosen The Brooke of Big

Rapids as there next recipients of our ministry.   Cherubs of Comfort will be

making blankets on Feb. 27, March 7, and March 14, from noon until 3 PM

in the fellowship hall.  We are asking for donations of lap blanket kits 48 x

60. Our goal is to make 69 lap blankets.  We invite you to bring your sharp

scissors and a heart for helping others.  Everyone is Welcome.

Blessings, Nancy Karcher and Michele Martin

Church Directories

If you would like a copy of the church directory emailed to you please

contact Dawn in the church office.

Prayer Cards

Your Prayer cards are prayed over in the chapel following worship each

Sunday, and they remain there for your review and Prayer until they are

collected on Monday.


Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you

can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and


2/09 Worship Stewardship Report

Tithes & Gifts - General - $ 2020.00

Plate - $ / Building - $ 50.00

Mortgage - $        Attendance: 43

Light the Church –“Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)

This week the church is being lit in honor of our police, firemen, first

responders, and military. ~ Anonymous

[The cost of lighting New Hope is approximately $85 per week. To participate, giving in

honor, memory, or celebration, please indicate on your giving envelope or check that it

is for “Light the Church” and for which Sunday.]


The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities

for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of

Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the

love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.

Upcoming   Mission  Activities

> [NEXT].... ‘Soothe the Soul Soup Supper’ (FEB 19^th,5:30-7pm)

> Family FunNight (Movie Nite) MAR 12^th (5:30-7:30):  [CHANGE]

Our next big Family Fun Night will be March 12^TH.   We will not be having

a ‘Winter fest’, instead we will provide families with a Supper and a Movie event.

We could use some help with the Welcome Table, Pizza Supper, and Movie Snack

Stand.  Contact Wally E., Ed L., or

Sue R. to help. Let’s provide a blessing to our community.

> Small Group Mission Activities:  See other announcements about the great

things our NHGMC Small Groups are doing to support mission ministries…..


Consider being part of a Ministry Team Area (Discipleship, Missions and Outreach,

Evangelism, Worship Design, Prayer, Small Groups).

v  Here are ways to help enrich your Christian ‘faith walk’:

Ø  Assist in one of the Ministry Team Areas (noted above)

Ø  Serve as Director of the Congregational/Member Care Team

Ø  Serve as Director of Small Groups

Ø  Volunteer for Soup Suppers (3^rdWed each month): kitchen help, welcome table,

hospitality, misc

Ø  Volunteer for Family Fun Nights(Dinner and a Movie – March 19): kitchen help,

welcome table, snack stand,hospitality, drop off student mini-flyers to elementary

schools, misc

Ø  Find a friend and revive our“Communion for the Sick and Shut-Ins” Team

Ø  Become part of our Prayer Warriors work

v  Your help is sorely needed for our church ministries to be effective.   Use your

Spiritual Gifts and be an active part of New Hopes Mission to “Love God,Love

Others, and Serve”.

“In His Service” -- The Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group

Church Office Hours:

Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon

This Week

Monday:       6:00 PM Bible Study

Tuesday:        9:00 AM Darts

10:00AM Crafts

Wednesday: 1:00 PM Disciple II Bible Study

5:00 PM Soothe the Soul Soup Supper

Thursday:     9:00 AM Darts

10:00 AM Faith Circle

3:30 PM Church Council

Friday:          Pastor’s Day Off

Saturday:     9:00 AM Darts

Sunday:        9:45 AM Worship Service

11:15 AM Sunday School

New Hope Global Methodist Church     2/16/25 Directory Updates

Judy Adams & Dan Freeman: judyadams38@gmail.com (mailto:judyadams38@gmail.com)              danfreeman274@gmail.com (mailto:danfreeman274@gmail.com)

7094 Southwest Dr., Stanwood, MI 49346 301-928-6555

Gordon & Patricia Corrigan: 11425 Pine Crest Dr., Stanwood, MI 49346

John & Luann Derrick: Luannd3808@gmail.com (mailto:Luannd3808@gmail.com)

(L) 530-413-3231 (J) 530-327-4545

Winter Address: 20248 Ballentine Dr., Anderson, CA96007

Gale Hixon

Gerry Herrmann

Mike Kovak

Woodruff: cecilwoodruff@centurylink.net

Office Phone: 231-972-2838

Office Email:  newhope.mecosta@gmail.com

Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521

Pastor’s Email:  pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com (mailto:pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com)

Website: www.new-hope-church.org