Prayers for a grand-daughter who is trying to get pregnant and is having a hard time.
Prayers for the youth in the community. Prayers for New Hope.
Thank you for all the prayers for Loretta Laser, she is doing better and doing better in
spirit but not walking yet.
Praise – felling much better! Leaving for Mexico in 5 days ~ Trudy
Praise for God’s love and care.
What’s Happening at New Hope
Benevolence Offering
Our January 2025 Benevolence offering for the month was $1,339.50. We
assisted three families in the amount of$1,226.84. Thank you for your
generous donations. God is so good.
Blessings,Nancy K and Sue R.
For our meeting on Monday, February 3, Mary-Martha is going to lunch at
Crystal Fountain in Blanchard at 1:00. Any New Hope ladies who would like
to join us for lunch will be more than welcome. If you would like to come let
Pat Leiter (989-824-1113) or Nancy Lepkowski(231-972-4398) know. If
there are enough of us we should let the restaurant know so they can be
Second Saturday Munch Bunch
The Second Saturday Munch Bunch will meet for dinner on Saturday,
February 8 at 5pm in the Green Room at the Remus Tavern. The Second
Saturday Munch Bunch is open to everyone in the church and is a great
way to get to know other people. We usually meet at a restaurant the
second Saturday of each month for dinner. Come enjoy a great
meal,conversation, and fellowship! There is no obligation to going every
second Saturday—come when you are able to! If you have never attended
one of our outings, why not try us! There is a sign-up board located in the
Narthex by the pastor’s office. Any questions, please call Laura Hall at
Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry
The Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry is going to begin making blankets
on Feb. 6, from noon until 3 PM in the fellowship hall. We are asking for
donations of blanket kits 72 x 60 (adult), 48 x 60 (child). We invite you to
bring your sharp scissors and a heart for helping others.
Everyone is Welcome.
Blessings, Nancy Karcher and Michele Martin
SOUP-ER-BOWL SUNDAY February 9, 2025. The WSCS ladies will have
containers of homemade soup available to purchase that day, before and
after worship service. Your choices will be broccoli & cheese, bean & ham,
chicken noodle and chili. The cost is $5 a pint & $8 a quart.
Church Directories
If you would like a copy of the church directory emailed to you please
contact Dawn in the church office.
Prayer Cards
Your Prayer cards are prayed over in the chapel following worship each
Sunday, and they remain there for your review and Prayer until they are
collected on Monday.
Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 ifyoucan
share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and
1/26 Worship Stewardship Report
Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,330.00
Building –$ 345.00 / Mortgage - $115.00
Attendance: 54
Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)
[The cost of lighting New Hope is approximately $85 per week. To participate, giving in
honor, memory, or celebration, please indicate on your giving envelope or check that it is
for “Light the Church” and for which Sunday.]
The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our
NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ. Being
in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of
Jesus Christ. We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and
uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.
Upcoming Mission Activities
>Family Fun Night (Movie Nite) MAR 12th (5:30-7:30): [CHANGE]
Our next big Family Fun Night will be February 12TH. We will not be having a ‘Winter fest’, instead we will provide families with a Supper and a Movie event. We could use some help with the Welcome Table, Pizza Supper,and Movie Snack Stand. Contact Wally E., Ed L., or Sue R. to help. Let’s provide a blessing to our community.
>Small Group Mission Activities: See other announcements about the great things our NHGMC Small Groups are doing to support mission ministries…..
>[NEXT].... ‘Soothe the Soul Soup Supper’
(FEB 19th, 5:30-7pm)
v Consider being part of a Ministry Team Area (Discipleship, Missions and Outreach,Evangelism, Worship Design, Prayer, Small Groups).
v Here are ways to help enrich your Christian ‘faith walk’:
Ø Assist in one of the Ministry Team Areas (noted above)
Ø Serve as Director of the Congregational/Member Care Team
Ø Serve as Director of Small Groups
Ø Volunteer for Soup Suppers (3rd Wed each month):kitchen help, welcome table, hospitality, misc
Ø Volunteer for Family Fun Nights (Dinner and a Movie – March19): kitchen help, welcome table, snack stand, hospitality, drop off student mini-flyers to elementary schools, misc
Ø Find a friend and revive our “Communion for the Sick and Shut-Ins” Team
Ø Become part of our Prayer Warriors work
v Your help is sorely needed for our church ministries to be effective. Use your Spiritual Gifts and be an active part of New Hopes Mission to “Love God, Love Others, and Serve”.
“In His Service” -- The Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group
Office Phone: 231-972-2838
Office Email:
Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521
Pastor’s Email: