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New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           November 10, 2024


Order of Worship





Hymn:    Cornerstone                                                                                         Video


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                Wally Ewing


Leader: The Lord be with you.


People:and with your spirit.


Leader: Lift up your hearts.


People:We lift them up to the Lord.


Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.


People:It is good and right to give Him thanks and praise.


Leader: Do you believe in God the Father?


People: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.


Leader: Do you believe in Jesus Christ?


People: I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended to the dead.On the third day he rose again; He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.


Leader: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?


People: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, there surrection of the body, and the life everlasting.


Opening Prayer:                                                                                       Wally Ewing            

Special Music:                                                                                      Free Worship                  

Children’s Moment:                                                                            Sally McKenney                                                                                          

Hymn:    Come Ye Thankful People Come                                                 On Screen

(Ushers collect prayer Cards)                                                                                                       

Pastoral Prayer /

Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                                                        

Offertory/Doxology:                                                                                    Mike Howe


Scripture Reading:  Revelation 3:1-6                                                    Trudy Crowley


Sermon: Sardis                                                                                      Pastor Wayne    


Hymn:   Living For Jesus                                                                            On Screen                (Joyful Noise)


Benediction:                                                                                           Pastor Wayne



Prayer Requests


Prayers for the family of Earl who passed this week.


Prayers for God’s guidance and an honest Election, our Country and our Nation.


Prayers for Israel, those with long term covid, and for New Members.


Prayers for a Nephew with cancer.


Continued prayers for Betty and Jim Stewart,Larry and Nancy Karcher, Joyce Porter, and Vivian and Jerry Smith.


Prayers for Mavis.


Prayers for my son dealing with a second round of lung cancer.


Prayers for all those who could not make it to God’s house.


Prayers for the safe delivery of Sue Reed’s new grandson, Gavin Dayle Reed.


Healing prayers for Linda Randall as shere covers from viral pneumonia.


Prayers for Allyse Randall having back surgery.


Prayers for our Church, Pastor, our community,and my grand and great-grandchildren.


Prayers for all those in Hospice care.


Prayers for Sally who is having heart tests Tuesday.


Prayers for Dick Karcher now at Royal View.


Continued prayers for Alice Karcher, tumor is shrinking and she is improving.


Prayers for June Carey’s 7 year old grandson with pneumonia


Praise for Larry Karcher’s progress.


Praise God for all the good we have at New Hope.


Praise for our Lions.




What’s Happening at New Hope


Benevolence/Joyful Noise

This week is Benevolence Sunday.


The Silent Auction Has Started!

 The Silent Auction is open for bidding and is being held in the fellowship hall. The last day to place a bid will be Sunday, November 24 and the bidding will stop 20 minutes after the church service.  There may be a minimum bid placed on an item to ensure that the item generates an appropriate donation value.  If no one bids the minimum amount or bids on an item, you may pick up your donated item during the week of November 24 if you would like it back.  You can also let us know if you would like us to save it for another silent auction.  If we have not heard anything from you, some left over donated items maybe donated to God’s Helping Hands.


 Thank you all for your support in New Hope’s fundraising efforts!


Please contact Laura Hall (231-972-7000) or Linda Randall (231-972-8742) with any questions.


Annual Christmas Potluck & White Elephant Party is Coming!!

The Annual Christmas Potluck and White Elephant Gift Exchange Party is Sunday,December 8 at 11:30 am (after the coffee hour) at New Hope in the Fellowship Hall.   Everyone is invited to come!  There is a sign-up in the Narthex.  This will also be the Second Saturday Munch Bunch get together for December.  We ask that you bring a dish to pass, and that each person attending bring a “white elephant” wrapped gift to exchange—guys bring a “guys” gift and ladies bring a“ladies” gift.  A “white elephant” gift is something that is not useful to you anymore, but might be useful to someone else.  Plates, silverware, and beverage will be furnished.   Come for some great food, fellowship, and laughs!!  Any questions, please call Laura Hall @231-972-7000.



Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and usefulness.


WSCS and Angels of Action

The WSCS at this time would like people to know that Angels of Action is now and only accepting donations of:


·       Pre-school – High school clothing new or gently used (free of stains and holes and washed).


New shoes & winter boots                                 Hygiene (new/unopened)


·       New Undergarments & Sleepwear                    Shampoo/conditioner, bar soap, toothpaste,     


·       No – sew fleece blanket kits                               toothbrush, body wash, lotion, chap stick, washcloths,


·       New school supplies & backpacks                     tampons, maxi pads, panty liners, hair bushes, comb


Food Items (new/unopend/unexpired)                             


Mac & cheese, juice boxes,peanut butter & Jelly 16 oz (plastic containers), Pop tarts, ramen,


fruit cups, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, meat sticks, cheese & cracker packs, granola bars.



10/27 Worship Stewardship Report           

Tithes & Gifts: General - $  5,510.00                      

Building –$ 380.00  /Plate - $ 30.00                                                       

Attendance: 69                                                                                                                   

Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine”  (Matthew 5:16) 



Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday, going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.org and follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.


November’s  ‘MISSION MOMENT’

The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.


Completed Mission Activities in October:


> Food Drive:  Thanks to all who contributed!  We delivered over 20 bags of groceries and $30.  GHH appreciated our efforts and donations… ;-), as will families needing food in our local community.


> Royal View Worship Service:  Our Royal View friends continue to attend and become engaged in our monthly services.  This time of worship has been very meaningful for all involved.


> Life Resources Fundraising Dinner:  Several members from New Hope attended the Life Resources annual fund raising dinner.  An inspirational guest speaker and other speakers provided useful insight, experiences, and information about this important program.  The program provides young pregnant (unwed) women free counseling and ultra-sounds to help them make the right decision. 


New Hope continues to financially support Life Resources in many ways.


> Boots & Mitts Drive:  Thanks to all of you, we received many clothing items needed by young students at Mecosta Elementary School.  The needed winter items were delivered to the school this past week….  Truly, we are sharing the love and grace of Christ as we put love into action….   


Upcoming Mission Activities:


> Encouragement Cards and ‘Apple Bar’ Event (Nov 12th @ 7:00pm):  All are invited to join the Mission Team Nov 12th as we kickoff an “Encouragement Card Writing” campaign and enjoy ‘fall season’ snacks and drinks at a unique ‘Apple Bar’ …. while we write simple words of encouragement to let area kids know they are special and thought of.  The cards are to be placed in nearly 1000 bags of food that Angels of Action will be sending out just before Thanksgiving to needy kids/students in all Mecosta area schools.  Blank cards and a basket to return them will also be available during the next couple of Sunday services.


> Royal View Worship Service (NOV 17th):  Mission Team Members will be conducting the worship service and providing Communion for our friends at Royal View.  Contact Wally if you would like to serve in this special ministry.  


>Thanksgiving Food Cards: The Mission Team will be delivering (4) $50 Gift Cards (from Hixsons) enclosed in Thanksgiving Greeting Cards to four needy Mecosta families, via Mecosta Elementary School.   


> Small Group Mission Activities:  See other announcements about the great things our NHGMC Small Groups are doing to support mission ministries…..


Be‘In Mission’:


Let’s put our faith & words into loving action through mission work. 


For more info or questions…. contact a Mission Team member or Wally Ewing (Team Leader) at (231) 414-4793 (text or call), or email wallygator57@hotmail.com.


In His Service,

The Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group




Church Office Hours:  Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon





Monday:     6:00 PM – Bible Study


Tuesday:     9:00 AM – Darts                                                                              

10:00 AM – Crafters                           

                    2:00 PM -  Worship Design

                    3:00 PM – Men’s Bible Study         

                    7:00 PM - Missions Meeting                                                                                                                                         Wednesday: 1-3 PM –Disciple II                                                                                           

Thursday:    9:00 AM – Darts                               


Friday:          Pastor’s Day Off                                                                                                 

Saturday:     9:00 AM – Darts


Sunday:        9:45 AM – Worship

                    11:15 AM – Revelation Bible Study




Office Phone: 231-972-2838                                                            


Office Email:  newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521 


Pastor’s Email:  pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


Website: www.new-hope-church.org