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New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           December 01, 2024



Order of Worship






Lighting the Advent Candles:                                                  Pastor Wayne & Sally                                 

Hymn:           Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus                                    On Screen                                                                                                                      

Opening Prayer:                                                                                  Pastor Wayne                          

Special Music:  Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart                         New Hope Choir


Children’s Moment:                                                                          Sally McKenney                                                                                      

Hymn:           What Child is This  (Ushers collect prayer Cards)               On Screen                                                                                                                   

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                                                     

Offertory/Doxology:                                                                                   Mike Howe


Scripture Reading:  Matthew 1:18-25                                                     Cheri Chapin                                                                                                                                           

Sermon:Virgin Birth?                                                                             Pastor Wayne


Hymn:           There’s a Song in the Air                                                       On Screen


Benediction:                                                                                           Pastor Wayne



Prayer Requests


Prayers for Jim Stewart and family during this difficult time.


Prayers for my doctor’s visit that it goes well.


Prayers for healing for Dave Wilcox after back surgery.


Prayers for Jim Grace and his upcoming surgery’s, for comfort, and all those traveling.


Prayers for Sharon Gray, grandson Chase, Greg W. in hospice care,

our Country, community, and Church.


Unspoken request.


Prayers for Larry and Nancy, Gordon, and Mavis. God is good.


Prayers for Vivian Smith who is in the hospital.


Prayers for Marge Bitter with serious back issues.


Prayers of comfort for the family of Harry West who passed Saturday.


Pray for all God’s blessings.


Prayers for Israel.


Prayers for those with long term covid.


Praise God for His love.



What’s Happening at New Hope


Counters Needed

If anyone is willing to help count and record the weekly offering, please see Trudy Crowley, Linda Randall, or Dave Marston as soon as possible. Thank you.



Action Items as Approved:

$100,000from the Jack and Delores Smith Trust will be applied to the mortgage principal.

A special Christmas Eve offering will be applied to the mortgage principal.

Trudy Crowley was appointed to fill the open finance seat on the Council.

Missions will open a $50,000 money market account in the name of the Jack and Delores Smith Missions Memorial Fund.

Faith Circle will purchase two $10,000 certificates of deposit and open a $3000 savings account at Isabella Bank for the funds received from the Jack and Delores Smith Trust. 

Support staff will be given a $100 Christmas gift card in appreciation for their excellent service to New Hope.


Informational Items:

Copies of the new church directory will be available at the welcome center in January.

There is a need to replace the nativity scene. Church groups will be asked to support the effort.

Three furnace units are in the process of repair. Replacement of these units will be necessary in the future.

The Church Council will meet again on Thursday, January 16 at 3:00 p.m.



On Christmas Eve a special offering will be taken. The total amount of this collection will go toward the building loan principal. Gifts can be given at anytime between now and Christmas Eve. It is important that you write “LOAN PRINCIPAL OFFERING” on your tithe envelop or check.


As you know, we are within $100,000 of paying off the building mortgage. This has been made possible by the generous donations to the loan principal over the last several years. The Christmas Eve offering will be a further opportunity for each of us to continue to build on this legacy of giving and to make our own faith statement.


Praise be to God for His many blessings.

Church Council


Hanging of the Greens

Help is needed Sunday, December 1st after church service.  Many hands make quick work.


Nativity Time

Time is fast approaching for us to display our Christmas Nativities celebrating the birth of Christ.

Now you can get your families: beautiful, humorous, unusual, made from unusual material, in different settings ready. Be sure to identify them by name and phone number.  The date for bringing them to New Hop will be soon.


The Silent Auction Ends This Sunday,December 1st!!

The Silent Auction ends this Sunday, December 1st twenty minutes after the church service ends.   There may be a minimum bid placed on an item to ensure that the item generates an appropriate donation value.   If no one bids the minimum amount or bids on an item, you may pick up your donated item during the week of December 1st if you would like it back.  You can also let us know if you would like us to save it for another silent auction.  If we have not heard anything from you, some left over donated items may be donated to God’s Helping Hands.  Thank you all for your support in New Hope’s fundraising efforts! Please contact Laura Hall(231-972-7000) or Linda Randall (231-972-8742) with any questions.


Women’s Christmas Luncheon at Osburndale

The last day to sign up and pay for the Women’s Christmas Luncheon at Osburndale is Sunday, December 1st.    If for some reason you will not be at church this Sunday and you would like to attend the luncheon, please give Laura a call before Monday, December 2 as the reservation count will be called into the Osburndale on Monday, December 2.    Osburndale is a private dining room on the Muskegon River and has been serving meals since 1923.  They are located at 1016 Lilac Avenue in Big Rapids.  For those that would like to carpool, you will need to be at church around 10:45 am as we will be leaving the church promptly at 11 am.   Lunch will be served at noon.  Lunch will be a savory chicken filled crepe with cheese sauce, a hot vegetable medley, fresh fruit, pickles, and homemade rolls.  There will be 2 or 3 choices of desserts and assorted beverages.    The cost is $25 and includes tax and tip.  The $25 will be due at the time you sign up.  If you pay with a check, please make the check payable to Osburndale.   Come enjoy some great food and fellowship!   Questions, please call Laura at 231-972-7000.


Annual Christmas Potluck & White Elephant Party is Coming!!

The Annual Christmas Potluck and White Elephant Gift Exchange Party is Sunday,December 8 at 11:30 am (after the coffee hour) at New Hope in the Fellowship Hall.  Everyone is invited to come!  There is a sign-up in the Narthex.  This will also be the Second Saturday Munch Bunch get together for December.  We ask that you bring a dish to pass, and that each person attending bring a “white elephant” wrapped gift to exchange—guys bring a “guys” gift and ladies bring a“ladies” gift.  A “white elephant” gift is something that is not useful to you anymore, but might be useful to someone else.  Plates, silverware, and beverage will be furnished.   Come for some great food, fellowship, and laughs!!   Any questions, please call Laura Hall @231-972-7000.



Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and usefulness.


11/24 Worship Stewardship Report           

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 2,260.00                     

Building –$ 345.00 / Plate - $ 47.00                                                  

Attendance: 81                                                                                                                                              Light the Church –“Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)  

This week the church is being lit in memory of Bill and Betty Saathoff.


Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday, going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.organd follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.



Church Office Hours:  Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon



Monday:    12:30 PM - Mary Martha           Thursday:  9:00 AM - MMen’s Meeting                        6:00PM – Bible Study                              Women’s Luncheon @                    


 Tuesday:     9:00AM -  Darts                       Friday:   Pastor’s Day Off

                   10:00AM - Crafters                      

3:00 PM – Men’s Bible Study

                                                                      Saturday:  9:00 AM – Darts

 Wednesday:   1-3 PM –Disciple II  

                      4:00 PM - Choir                     Sunday:  9:45AM Worship                                                                                                 White Elephant Pot Luck                                                                                     




Office Phone: 231-972-2838                                                            


Office Email:  newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521 


Pastor’s Email:  pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


Website: www.new-hope-church.org