Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

August 11, 2024




Order of Worship


Hymn Sing:                                                                                                   


Welcome/Announcements:                                                                   Pastor Wayne           

Hymn:In Christ Alone                                                                                         Video


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                Wally Ewing


Leader:Out of the depths have I cried unto you, O Lord.


People:Lord, hear my voice: let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.


Leader:If You, Lord, should mark iniquities who shall stand?


People:But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared.


Leader:I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope.


People:My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning:


I say,more than they that watch for the morning.


Leader:Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.


People:And He shall redeem Israel for all his iniquities. 


Opening Prayer:                                                                                       Wally Ewing                                                                          

Special Music: Ordinary Men                                                                     Mike Howe                                                                                                             

Children’s Moment:                                                                            Sally McKenney                                                                              

Hymn:Come Thou Almighty King       (ushers collect Prayer cards)             UMH# 61


Pastoral Prayer / Lord’ Prayer                                                                                                  

Offertory/ Doxology:  All That I Am                                                          Nancy Galka  


Scripture Reading: Daniel 7:1-28                                                              Wally Ewing                                                                         

Sermon:Seeing Ahead                                                                           Pastor Wayne                                                                                     

Hymn:  Open My Eyes that I May See                                                         UMH# 454

              (Joyful Noise)


Benediction:                                                                                             Pastor Wayne


Postlude:Go Forth for God                                                                         Nancy Galka



Prayer Requests


Prayers for Joyce Porter.                                    


Prayers for grandsons emotional well-being; judge shows mercy at his sentencing.


Prayers for Jerry and Vivian Smith as they deal with health issues.


Prayers for our daughter to find housing.


Prayers for Nancy Bullion’s (Bob Herndon’s sister) hip replacement surgery Tuesday.


Prayers for our neighbor John, recovering from a heart attack.


Continued prayers for Betty Stewart and Jim too.


Health prayers for De’da and Jim Berg.


Prayers for my daughter to help fight her depression.


Healing prayers for Ellie Thering.


Prayers for our Nation.


Continued prayers for Greg W. in hospice.


Prayers for firefighters out West, youth program, our Country and Community.


Healing for those with cancer and health concerns.


Prayers for Kamala Harris and our Country.


Praise that Goldie Martin is here with us this morning.


Praise for the Olympians.


Praise that my mother Cathy Maly is doing better and now is without oxygen. Prayer for continued health.


Praise for a great grandson who was a premature baby. He is now 6.


Praise that Dick Karcher is home.


Praise God for friends.



What’s Happening at New Hope


Benevolence/Joyful Noise

This week is Benevolence Sunday.



Please consider joining the choir:  we need more voices.You don’t have to sing solos or be a dominant voice, just join us in song.  Choir practice starts on Wednesday, September 4 at 4:00pm.  We will begin practicing for our Christmas Contata at that time.

Hope to see you there. Nancy

Disciple 2

Disciple2 will be offered this fall starting Wednesday, September 11.  This is a 32-week course with time off for holiday.  It will be taught at New Hope,in Mecosta on Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3. If interested or you need more information, please contact Sherry Anderson at 231-972-7679.  She needs to know how many want to join so she can offer the books by mid-August. God Bless.


Backpacks and School Supplies

God’s Helping Hands of Mecosta County will be giving away backpacks with school supplies inside to needy children in our communities.  This will take place the month of August on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am-12noon at God’s Helping Hands by the food pantry door.  This is for clients registered at God’s Helping Hands by the end of July.


We ask for your help by donating backpacks and school supplies for all age groups like spiral notebooks, pencils, pens, glue, highlighters, pencil boxes,etc. 


Thank you, God’s Helping Hands



Thank You from the Finance Team

The sound system in our sanctuary is quite old and was needing some major improvements. Some money was used from the last Silent Auction to but a new stage box. The stage box works in conjunction with the PA system to improve the quality of the sound. The Memorial Committee generously donated the money to buy 2 new speakers, a powered sub, and new cables.


Mike Howe is working hard on getting all of this hooked up so we can enjoy the new sound!


So,thank you to all who donated or bought items at the Silent Auction, the Memorial Committee, and Mike Howe for making this happen! We are truly appreciative and are looking forward to hearing the new sound system!




Away Local Mission Trip (SEP 12-14, 2024):  The “Mission & Retreat 2024” is a ‘go’.  We are now compiling a list of participants, preparing registration packets and schedules,and seeking friends and neighbors to join us; maximum of 18 people.  The mission work will consist of a variety of options for all ages, and will not be labor intensive.  Contact anyone from the Mission Team, or Wally, to be added to our participants list. This will be an uplifting experience as we help local faith-based organizations support children and families of Mecosta County, and a time of renewal for everyone’s “faith walk”.



8/04 Worship Stewardship Report                  

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 4,875.00                                      

Building –$ 800.00/ Plate - $ 50.00                    

Attendance: 78                                                                                             



Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)

This week the church is being lit in honor of our police, firemen, first responders and military ~ Anonymous  



              Church Office Hours:                

Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon



THIS WEEK                  


Tuesday:    10:00 AM – Craft Circle                                              

                    11:00 AM – Local Pastors Meeting                              

                     2:00 PM –  Worship Team Meeting                                                 

3:30 PM – Men’s Bible Study                                  

                     7:00 PM – Missions Meeting


Thursday:     9:00 AM – Darts

                   10:00 AM – Faith Circle                                            

                     7:00 PM  – Church Council Meeting                         


Friday:           Pastor’s Day Off                                                    


Saturday:      9:00AM – Darts


Sunday:         9:45AM – Worship Service



Office Phone: 231-972-2838


Office Email: newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521


Pastor’s email: pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


Website: www.new-hope-church.org