Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church



September 01, 2024



Order of Worship           

Hymn Sing:                                                                                                                                                                                              

Welcome/Announcements:                                                                Pastor Wayne


Hymn:   Great is Thy Faithfulness                                                           On Screen


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                              Wally Ewing


I believe in God,the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.                                                                                      


Opening Prayer:                                                                                      Wally Ewing                                                                                                                             

Special Music:   O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing                             Nancy Galka


Children’s Moment:                                                                            Sally McKenney                                                                             

Hymn:  In My Heart There Rings a Melody                                                 On Screen

(ushers collect Prayer cards)                                             


Pastoral Prayer /Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                  

Offertory /Doxology:  Give of Your Best to the Master                            Nancy Galka


Scripture Reading: Daniel 9:20-27                                                           Wally Ewing                                                                                                                       

Sermon:Seventy Seven’s                                                                      Pastor Wayne                                                                                    

The Lord’s Supper


Hymn:   Dear Lord and Father of Mankind                                                 On Screen


Postlude: Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing                                        Nancy Galka



Prayer Requests


Prayers for those who can’t make it to God’s house and for those in the military who are away from home.


Prayers for Trudy and she fell and broke her ankle.  She is in a boot and has crutches.


Prayers for Jim Hawkins for bypass surgery.


Prayers for Diane Doolin who is having internal issues.


Prayers for Vivian and Jerry smith.


Continued prayers for Joyce Porter and Betty Stewart.


Prayers for Sharon Gray, Lord be with her.


Prayers for David Baker for sinus surgery.


Prayers for Alice Karcher.


Pray for lost souls.


Prayers for God’s guidance for a young girl who is trying to figure out her future.


Prayers for Lisa May –cancer diagnosis, Eileen Lindeman (hospice), Roy Mize (heart surgery), and Sharon Riharb (back injury).


Praise for Tom who had bone surgery and has a cancer free report.


Praise God for His unending love.




What’s Happening at New Hope



MEN!  Methodist Men's Meeting September 5, 2024 at 8:30 AM  

All Men are welcome and invited.  Have breakfast with your wife, give her a hug, then come join us for coffee and donuts.  We will have a brief devotion, then discuss needs of the church, how we might help the church spread the word of God in our community, attract youth to Gods,house, care for our church members and visitors, and perhaps personally handle small projects in and around our church.



Pastor’s Bible Study

Pastor Wayne will be doing a Revelation Bible Study beginning Sunday September 22, 11:15 AM.


Second Saturday Munch Bunch

The Second Saturday Munch Bunch will meet for dinner on Saturday, September 14 at 5pm at Tally’s Bar & Grill located at the Pines Golf Course at Lake Isabella.  The address for Tally’s is


1022S. Clubhouse Drive in Lake Isabella.   The Second Saturday Munch Bunch is open to everyone in the church and is a great way to get to know other people. We usually meet at a restaurant the second Saturday of each month for dinner. Come enjoy a great meal, conversation, and fellowship!  There is no obligation to going every second Saturday—come when you are able to!  If you have never attended one of our outings, why not try us!   There is a sign-up board located in the Narthex by the pastor’s office.    Any questions, please call Laura Hall at 231-972-7000. 


Tribute Quartet in Concert at New Hope


Back by popular demand, Tribute Quartet will be in concert at New Hope on Sunday,September 15 at 4 pm.  Doors open at 3pm.   Since 2006, multi-award winning and multi-Dove Award nominated recording artist Tribute Quartet has become one of the country’s most dynamic, beloved, and sought-after male quartets in all of gospel music.  With a career that has already spanned the U.S., as well as several foreign countries, Tribute continues to shine a Light into a world in need of truth, hope, love, and healing.  With several awards and # 1songs to their credit, Tribute’s music continues to inspire and encourage generations of believers.  Here is a list of their rewards for the past 2 years:


2024- GMA Dove Award Nominee - SG Album of the Year (Quartet Tribute Vol. 3)


2024- Absolutely Gospel Music Awards - Special Event Production of the Year -“GRAND” - Josh Singletary


2024- #1 Song for February - “Free Indeed”


2023- #1 Song for July - “Halfway Up The Mountain”


2023- Absolutely Gospel Music Awards - Traditional Single of the Year - “Not MyWill”


2022- #1 Song for July - “Not My Will”


2022- Absolutely Gospel Music Awards - Special Event Project of the Year - “Once Again”


2022- Absolutely Gospel Music Awards - Song of the Year - “I Call It Home”


2022- #1 Song for January - “Somebody Tell”


Come enjoy a wonderful concert filled with humor and great uplifting music!   Tickets can be purchased before and after the services on Sundays at the Welcome Center. Advanced ticket price is $18 and the day of the concert ticket price is $22. Questions, please call Greg/Laura at 231-972-7000.


Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

It's that time of year again!  While you are on the golf course or playing on the beach,retailers are already thinking fall.  Summer clothes and toys are being marked down for quick sales, and back to school supplies are now at the best price of the year.  It's the perfect time to think of Shoeboxes!


Mary-Martha Circle is looking forward to packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in only three short months.  With the generosity of New Hope we have been able to send shoeboxes to children in countries we can only dream of seeing. Every box shows a child that someone somewhere is thinking of them.


This is a great way to spread the love of Jesus to children, as well as fun toys and cool clothes.  Thank you for your support!


Disciple 2

Disciple 2 will be offered this fall starting Wednesday, September 11.  This is a 32-week course with time off for holiday.  It will be taught at New Hope, in Mecosta on Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3. If interested or you need more information, please contact Sherry Anderson at 231-972-7679.  She needs to know how many want to join so she can offer the books by mid-August. God Bless.



Away Local Mission Trip (SEP 12-14, 2024):  The “Mission & Retreat 2024” is a ‘go’.  We are now compiling a list of participants, preparing registration packets and schedules,and seeking friends and neighbors to join us; maximum of 18 people.  The mission work will consist of a variety of options for all ages, and will not be labor intensive.  Contact anyone from the Mission Team, or Wally, to be added to our participants list. This will be an uplifting experience as we help local faith-based organizations support children and families of Mecosta County, and a time of renewal for everyone’s “faith walk”.



8/25 Worship Stewardship Report                                      

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,750.00                                                          

Building –$ 175.00 / Plate - $ 29.00

Attendance: 68                                                                                           



Light the Church – “Letting Your Light  Shine” (Matthew 5:16)  




                                          Church Office Hours:                                      

                       Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon








Monday:     12:30 PM Mary Martha                                 

                     5:00 PM SPRC Meeting


Tuesday:      10:00 AM – Craft Circle                                                                               3:30 PM– Men’s Bible Study


Wednesday:  4:00 PM – Choir Practice


Thursday:     8:30 AM  –  Methodist Men’s Meeting                                           

                     9:00 AM -  Darts


Friday:  Pastor’s Day Off                                                              


Saturday:    9:00 AM – Darts                                                         

                                                                                                                                         Sunday: 9:45 AM – Worship Service                                                                                                                        

5-7 PM  – Campfire Music Gatherings     





Office Phone: 231-972-2838


Office Email:     newhope.mecosta@gmail.com    


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521   


Pastor’s Email:    pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com  



