Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           September 29, 2024



Order of Worship




Welcome/Announcements:                                                                  Pastor Wayne


Hymn: Revive Us Again                                                                              GLO# 78


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                             Norvil Brown


Leader: And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,


People: “Behold,the dwelling place of God is with man.


Leader: He will dwell with them, and they will be his people,


People: and God himself will be with them as their God.


Leader: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more,


People: neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore,


               for the former things have passed away.”


Leader: And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”


People: Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Leader: And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.


All:        To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.”


Opening Prayer:                                                                                     Norvil Brown


Special Music: Surrender                                                                          Mike Howe                                     

Children’s Moment:                                                                           Sally McKenney      

Hymn:  Breathe On Me Breath of God                                                        GLO#304

(ushers collect Prayer cards)                                               


Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                   



Scripture Reading:  Revelation 2:1-7                                                      Norvil Brown                                                             

Sermon: First Love                                                                                Pastor Wayne


Hymn:  The Church’s One Foundation                                      GLO# 646 vs. 1,2,5,6






Prayer Requests


Continued healing prayers for Betty Stewart and Jim (support),Jerry and Vivian Smith, Larry Karcher, Trudy Crowley, Gordon McArthur, Jim Grace, and Joyce Porter.


Prayers for Dave’s hand surgery Monday, 9/23.


Prayers for Todd Williams who is having surgery soon.


Prayers for New Hope family that we can fill the empty pews.


Healing prayers for Bob for cancer.


Prayers for my family, church, and community.


Prayers for the military and people who are overseas away from family.


Praise for Healing.


Thank you from the Karcher family for all the prayers, cards, and visits to Larry.  We are just joyful to know he is progressing well and we hope to have him back to us in early October.


Much Thanks to all who helped me celebrate my 98 years!  Not only was I blessed with the years but also wonderful family, church family, friends and neighbors.  Much thanks to the great ladies that helped.  I have been blessed. 

Joyful Blessings, Agape Love, and Thanks,Thanks, Thanks.  Olga



What’s Happening at New Hope



Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday, going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.org and follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.



Church Conference

Our first Church Conference will be October 28, 2024 at 6 pm here at New Hope GMC.


Second Saturday Munch Bunch

The Second Saturday Munch Bunch will meet for dinner on Saturday, October 12 at 5pm at the Wood Shop Social Restaurant located at 2336 S. Mission Street in Mt.Pleasant.   The Second Saturday Munch Bunch is open to everyone in the church and is a great way to get to know other people.  We usually meet at a restaurant the second Saturday of each month for dinner. Come enjoy a great meal, conversation, and fellowship!  There is no obligation to going every second Saturday—come when you are able to!  If you have never attended one of our outings, why not try us!   There is a sign-up board located in the Narthex by the pastor’s office.    Any questions, please call Laura Hall at231-972-7000. 


Shoebox packing time is coming soon!
Look for the shoebox display in the narthex.  There is an example of a packed shoebox, and shoeboxes that you can take and fill on your own.  They come flat with directions for folding on one of the tabs.  To give you ideas of what to put in the shoebox, there are lists for both boys and girls, as well as information about what cannot be sent. There are also sheets for children that can be filled out by children inyour family and included in the box.  You can also include a photo of you and your family so the child receiving the box can see who sent them the gift.  It is recommended that the photo have a neutral background, for example a blank wall or trees or flowers outside.  The idea is to not show them our possessions, which will only make them more aware of how little they have in comparison.


In addition, there is a poster with a list of the countries that shoeboxes have been sent to, and it's a long list!  There are photos of children who have received shoeboxes, and some short stories of how their lives have been impacted.


Return filled shoeboxes and items you have purchased for our packing party to the chapel by November 3.  Mary-Martha will be packing shoeboxes on Wednesday, November 6, beginning at 1:00. You are invited to join us and share in the fun of packing a shoebox for a child.


If you have questions, see Nancy Lepkowski, 231-972-4398, or Pat Leiter, 989-824-1113.



WSCS and Angels of Action

The WSCS at this time would like people to know that Angels of Action is now and only accepting donations of:


·Pre-school – High school clothing new or gently used (free of stains and holes and washed).


New shoes & winter boots                                        Hygiene (new/unopened)


·       New Undergarments & Sleepwear                    Shampoo/conditioner, bar          

soap, toothpaste, toothbrush,          

body wash, lotion, chapstick,

·       No – sew fleece blanket kits                              washcloths, tampons,  maxi     

pads, panty liners, hairbushes,

·       New school supplies & backpacks                     and combs.      


Food Items (new/unopend/unexpired)                         


Mac & cheese, juice boxes,peanut butter &


Jelly 16 oz (plastic containers), Poptarts, ramen,


fruit cups, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, meat sticks, cheese & cracker packs, granola bars.



9/22 Worship Stewardship Report           



Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,453.00                                    

Building –$ 0 / Plate - $ 55.00                               

Attendance: 73                                                       


Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine”

(Matthew 5:16)





September’s ‘MISSION MOMENT’

The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.



Be Part of Upcoming Mission Activities:


> Campfire Music Gatherings (Sep22 thru Oct 20):  The Mission Team and the Worship Design Team will be hosting weekly times of fellowship and music around the campfire.  Bring your own snacks (to share), drink,chair, instrument/voice, and a neighbor. Hope to see you there!


> “Family Night Programs”:  Our Family Night programs for this school year will be Trunk or Treat (Oct 31), Winter-Fest (January?), Dinner & a Movie (March?).  Please consider helping out with one of these events, as we as a church family reach out to families within our community.


> “Fall Mission Activities”:  The mission team will be supporting and/or coordinating these events…


 *SEP-OCT:  Campfire Music Gatherings


 * OCT6-20:  GHH Food Drive


 * OCT31:     Trunk of Treat at NHGMC


 * NOV25:     Thanksgiving Meal Cards  (needy families, via  Mecosta Elementary School)


Let Matthew 25:35-36 and 1 John 3-18 inspire and lead you to share  


 your talents, skills, and spiritual gifts to grow in your Christian walk…..


Let’s put our faith & words into loving action through mission work.


For more info or questions…. contact a Mission Team member or Wally Ewing (Team Leader) at (231) 414-4793 (text or call), or email wallygator57@hotmail.com.


In His Service,                                                                                                      


Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group



                                                    Church Office Hours:                                      

                                       Monday – Wednesday 9AM to Noon


THIS WEEK                                     


Tuesday:      10:00 AM – Craft Circle

                      3:00 PM – Men’s Bible Study


Wednesday: 1-3 PM –Disciple II


Thursday:    9:00 AM - Darts                                                                                  

                      9:00 AM – Methodist Men


Friday:         Pastor’s Day Off                                           


Saturday:     9:00 AM - Darts                                               


Sunday:     9:45 AM –Worship Service                            

                 11: 15 AM – Revelation Bible Study                                             

                     5-7 PM – Campfire Fellowship



Office Phone: 231-972-2838


Office Email:   newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521


Pastor’s Email: pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


 Website: www.new-hope-church.org




                        8-9 AM – WSCS Meeting