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New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           December 15, 2024



Order of Worship




Welcome/Announcements:                                                                     Pastor Wayne


Lighting the Advent Candles:                                                                        Sue Reed                                                                                                  

Hymn: The First Noel                                                                                          Video                                                                                                                  

Opening Prayer:                                                                                  Sally McKenney                                                                          

Special Music:  It’s About Love                                                                    Mike Howe


Children’s Moment:                                                                              Sally McKenney                                                                       

Hymn: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear                                                     On Screen

(Ushers collect prayer Cards)                                                                                                           

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                      

Offertory/Doxology:     Christmas Hallelujah                                                        Video


Scripture Reading: Luke 3:1-20                                                           Sally McKenney                                                                                                                           

Sermon: The Grinch                                                                               Pastor Wayne


Hymn:  Joy to the World                                                                              On Screen


Benediction:                                                                                           Pastor Wayne                                                                                                                 


Prayer Requests


Prayers for Greg W. in Hospice care, Michele Martin with acute bronchitis, our New Hope family, community, youth, and our Nation.


Prayers for Gary and Ruth Berg as he is now recovering at home with pneumonia.  He is back in Hospice at home.


Prayers for peace on earth. That God will help us fill the pews with Christians and seekers.


Prayers and Praise for Jim Grace and Bob Herndon’s successful surgeries.  God is Good!


Prayers and Praise for Joyce Porter and her Dr. for helping her vision problem.


Prayers for Christopher Green who has pneumonia.


Prayers for Israel, Syria, Ukraine, America and all its leaders, long term covid victims, and the New Hope Dart Group.


Praise that family is visiting today.


Thank you God you got me here on time today.



What’s Happening at New Hope



Thank You from the Finance Team

The Finance Team would like to thank all those who contributed items for the Silent Auction and also those that participated in the bidding!  The Silent Auction raised $637 and will help with New Hope’s mission to Love God, Love Others, and Serve!  Thank you all for your support in New Hope’s fundraising efforts!

The Finance Team



On Christmas Eve a special offering will be taken. The total amount of this collection will go toward the building loan principal.  Gifts can be given at any time between now and Christmas Eve. It is important that you write “LOAN PRINCIPAL OFFERING” on your tithe envelop or check.


As you know, we are within $100,000 of paying off the building mortgage. This has been made possible by the generous donations to the loan principal over the last several years. The Christmas Eve offering will be a further opportunity for each of us to continue to build on this legacy of giving and to make our own faith statement.

Praise be to God for His many blessings.

Church Council



Counters Needed

If anyone is willing to help count and record the weekly offering, please see Trudy Crowley, Linda Randall, or Dave Marston as soon as possible. Thank you.




Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and usefulness.



12/01 Worship Stewardship Report           

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 2,345.00                     

Building –$ 170.00 / Plate - $ 69.00                                                  

Attendance: 73                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)  

This week the church is being lit in honor of our police, firemen, first responders and military ~ Anonymous   



Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday,going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.organd follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.




                              Church Office Hours:

                    Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon



                                         This Week


                  Monday:   6:00PM – Bible Study                         


                  Tuesday:   9:00 AM - Darts                                    

                                   10:00 AM -Crafters                                

                                   3:00 PM –Men’s Bible Study


                  Wednesday:   1-3 PM – Disciple II


                  Thursday:    9:00 AM - Darts

                                       10:00 AM– Faith Circle


                  Friday:         Pastor’s Day Off                                         


                  Saturday:    9:00 AM – Darts                                                                                                                                                            Sunday:     9:45AM - Worship Service



Office Phone: 231-972-2838                                                            


Office Email:  newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521 


Pastor’s Email:  pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


Website: www.new-hope-church.org