Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

March 09, 2025


Order of Worship



Welcome/Announcements:                                                     Pastor Wayne


Hymn:    I Love to Tell the Story                                                       Video


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                              Trudy Crowley  


Leader: Have this in mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,    

who, though he was in the form of God,did not count equality with God a thing    

to be grasped,


People: But made himself nothing, taking on the form of a servant,      

being born in the likeness of men. 

Leader: And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming      

obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.


People: Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the    

name that is above every name,          


Leader: So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and  

on earth and under the earth.


People: And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory  

of God the Father.


Opening Prayer:                                                                      Trudy Crowley                                                                                                     

Special Music:                                                                                                                                   

Children’s Moment:                                 Sally McKenney                                                                       

Hymn:   Beneath the Cross of Jesus                                       On Screen

       (ushers collect Prayer cards)                                                                                                                      

Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s        


Offertory /Doxology:  Heart of Worship                                               Video


Scripture Reading:   John 3:1-20                                          Trudy Crowley  


Sermon:  Stairway to Heaven                                               Pastor Wayne


Hymn:   We Have an Anchor        (Joyful Noise)                       On Screen





Prayer Requests

Prayers for A. James and Elaine Grace, and a grandson Trey.

Prayers for the Des Noyers family, Bri Basler’s father died and Charlie and    

Eleanor and Bri all are having health issues.


Prayers for Jerry Smith and his upcoming surgery. Also, for Vivian and the      



Prayers for Joyce Porter.


Prayers for a granddaughter who is struggling with mental issues.


Prayers for Travis Karcher.


Continued prayers for Mike Howe.


Continued prayers for Greg W. in Hospice, Chase R. for speech, and    

Sharon Gray for health.


Prayers for a brother-in-law, Jeff for skin cancer.


Prayers for the Randy Carey family with the flu.


Prayers for Nile Young.


Prayers for Marchann.


Prayers for all the shut-ins.


Prayers for our Nation.


Praise God for His love, mercy, care and Salvation.



    What’s Happening at New Hope                                                                                                    

    Benevolence/Joyful Noise

This week is Benevolence Sunday.


Family Fun Night

Join us for pizza and a movie for Family Fun Night Wednesday, March 12,    

5:30 -7:00PM.



VBS - July 15, 16 and 17, 6-8pm - Western Theme





Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry

      The Cherubs of Comfort Blanket Ministry has chosen The Brooke of Big      

      Rapids as there next recipients of our ministry.   Cherubs of Comfort will be

      making blankets on March 13, March 20, and March 27 from noon until 3    

      PM in the fellowship hall.  We are asking for donations of lap blanket kits 48            

      x 60.  Our goal is to make 69 lap blankets.  We invite you to bring your    

      sharp scissors and a heart for helping others.  Everyone is Welcome.

      Blessings, Nancy Karcher and Michele Martin


    Annual Church Spring Clean-Up

      April 5th, from 9:00AM - ? I think we were done by 11-11:30 AM last year.     

      Our New Hope Family is encouraged to participate.  There is a job for

      everyone.  Coffee and donuts at 9:00.

      Sue Reed 231-250-5171.


Church Directories

If you would like a copy of the church directory emailed to you please      

contact Dawn in the church office.



      Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you    

      can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and



      3/02 Worship Stewardship Report                                    

      Tithes& Gifts - General - $ 3,305.00

      Plate- $ 58.00  / Building - $  170.00

      Attendance: 47


      Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)

        [The cost of lighting New Hope is approximately $85 per week. To participate,              

        giving in honor, memory, or celebration, please indicate on your giving envelope  

        or check that it is for “Light the Church” and for which Sunday.]



      Church Council Update (FEB-MAR)

Ø New Hope’s financial situation is in fairly good shape, with expenditures and income starting off better than last year,based on the yearly (normal) trend.  Projected monetary gifts will help even more so.


Ø Results from the Church “health”Assessment indicated some concerns and challenges with maintaining a vibrant,active church.  The top areas and how NHGMC is facing these challenges included: finances (although in actuality we are doing ok), aging membership (yet most members are highly involved in various aspects New Hopes ministries),competing technology & online church & community activities (New Hope is reaching the community with online worship service options and publicizing wholesome and spiritually uplifting events).


Ø The Council continues to support New Hope’s Mission Ministries through ongoing actions of support.  This includes: improved cleanliness of the church, completion of classroom upgrades, repair of outside doors, repair of main electrical sign, possible storage shed for lawn mowers and misc, conducting Family Fun Nights and Soup Suppers, encouraging Small Groups and Missions Team to continue their ministry activities, and planning a capital fund drive to payoff the church mortgage.


Ø The Council is updating the church calendar to reflect all major ministry events and small group activities providing opportunities for NH members to grow in their faith.


Ø Treasurer’s Report of Fund Giving for the month of December: The General Fund Activity balance is $34,450 the Building Fund Activity balance is $10,387, and the Mortgage balance is $78,374.




v  Consider being part of a Ministry Team Area (Discipleship/Christian Ed, Missions and Outreach, Evangelism, Worship Design, Prayer, Small Groups).


v  Here are ways to help enrich your Christian ‘faith walk’:


Ø  Assist in one of the Ministry Team Areas (noted above)


Ø  Serve as Director of the Congregational/Member Care Team


Ø  Help with ‘tasks’ as part of the Congregational Care Team


Ø  Serve as Director of Small Groups

Ø  Volunteer for Soup Suppers (3rd Wed each month,March 19th): kitchen help, welcome table, hospitality, misc


Ø  Volunteer for Family Fun Nights (Dinner and a Movie – March12): kitchen help, welcome table, snack stand, hospitality, drop off student mini-flyers to elementary schools, misc


Ø  Become part of our Prayer Warriors work


Ø  Join a Women’s or Men’s Small Group


Ø  Assist with Communion for Home-bounds or Worship Svc at Royal View


v  Your help is sorely needed for our church ministries to be effective.   Use your Spiritual Gifts and be an active part of New Hope’s Mission to “Love God, Love Others, and Serve”.




v **  The Congregational/Member Care Team is seeking individuals to be Lead Persons who can help New Hope members find assistance through the following areas/ministries:


v Transportation Needs (provide rides or refer to Mecosta Sr. Ctr. for medical or other critica lappointments), Calling and Visiting Homebound or Hospitalized Members (find volunteers to assist),


v Home Care (coordinate short term homebound care using volunteers or services viaCommission on Aging), Counseling (refer members to the Pastor for personal or spiritual counseling)


v **The following areas/ministries have Lead Person in place or are being confirmed, but additional volunteers are welcomed:  Get Well or Sympathy Cards, Birthday Cards,Meals (for Homebounds), Communion (for Homebounds), Bulletin Board (Birthday& Anniversaries), Church Member Directory, Emergency Home Maintenance(referrals)


v **An Information Sheet is being published soon and will provide the names and contact info for Lead Persons in all ministries/area of the Congregational Care Team.


v **Contact Pastor Wayne or Lay Leader (Wally Ewing) if lead to serve in one of these areas, or for questions.   Be blessed by putting your faith into action.




                              Church Office Hours:


                 Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon



This Week


Monday:        6:00 PM Bible Study                                    


Tuesday:        9:00 AM Darts                                               


             10:00AM Crafts


              12-2 PM Disciple II

(New time during Lent)                                           


Wednesday:  5:30 PM Family Fun Night (Movie & Pizza)


Thursday:       9:00 AM Darts


                     12 to3 PM Cherubs of Comfort


Friday:          Pastor’s Day Off


Saturday:      9:00 AM Darts


Sunday:         9:45 AM Worship Service

11:15 AM Sunday School


Office Phone: 231-972-2838 


  Office Email: newhope.mecosta@gmail.com  


    Website: www.new-hope-church.org


    Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521   


    Pastor’s Email:       

