Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                        January 05, 2024



Order of Worship



Welcome/Announcements:                                                                    Pastor Wayne


Hymn:Glorious Day                                                                                            Video  


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                                                                                    

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ,


his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.



Opening Prayer:                                                                                                                             

Special Music:


Children’s Moment:                                                                           Sally McKenney                                                                             

Hymn:   All Hail the Power of Jesus Name                                               On Screen

(ushers collect Prayer cards)                   


Pastoral Prayer /Lord’s Prayer                                                                                               

Offertory /Doxology:  We Give                                                                         Video


Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:15-20


Sermon: So,What’s the Difference? (Islam)                                    Pastor Wayne          


The Lord’s Supper                                                                                                                                      

Hymn:   Jesus Saves!                                                                              On Screen





Prayer Requests


Continued prayers for those who have lost loved ones over the holidays.


Continued healing prayers for Linda Randall, Bob Herndon, and Sharon Gray.


Continued prayers for Chase R. unspoken, Greg W. in hospice care, Our Church Family with health issues, the needs of our Church, and our community youth.


Prayers for Trudy, Larry and Nancy Karcher, and Olga.


Prayers for Ed Highfield for a full recovery.


Prayers for Jim Wise who is recovering from a stroke.


Prayers for all those in hospice care.


Prayers for the military that cannot make it to God’s House and all the handicapped that need help.


Prayers for Israel, Ukraine, New Hope, the victims of the plane crash and their families, S. Korea, and those with long term covid.


Prayers for a Christian revival.


Praise God for His love, care, and healing.


Praise for a wonderful Christmas celebration.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   What’s Happening at New Hope


Second Saturday Munch Bunch

The Second Saturday Munch Bunch will meet for dinner on Saturday, January 11 at 5pm at the Royal Grille located at 9775 E. Clubhouse Drive at the Royal Golf Course in Canadian Lakes. The Second Saturday Munch Bunch is open to everyone in the church and is a great way to get to know other people.  We usually meet at a restaurant the second Saturday of each month for dinner. Come enjoy a great meal, conversation, and fellowship!  There is no obligation to going every second Saturday—come when you are able to!  If you have never attended one of our outings, why not try us!   There is a sign-up board located in the Narthex by the pastor’s office.    Any questions, please call Laura Hall at231-972-7000. 


Counters Needed

If anyone is willing to help count and record the weekly offering, please see Trudy Crowley, Linda Randall, or Dave Marston as soon as possible. Thank you.



Please leave your phone number with Dawn at 231-972-2838 if you can share some ideas and time to bring it back to its charm and usefulness.


12/22 Worship Stewardship Report          12/29 Worship Stewardship              



Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,985.00                      Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 1,841.00 Building –$ 170.00  /Plate - $ 40.00                      Building –$ 120.00  / Plate - $ 35.00 Attendance: 56                                                       Attendance:52                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Light the Church – “Letting Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)  



Online Electronic Giving

Would you like to participate in New Hope’s online giving program regularly, can’t make a Sunday,going on vacation, or just want to make a memorial gift in a loved one’s name?  Please visit our webpage at https://www.new-hope-church.organd follow the links to electronic (on-line) giving.




The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.


Completed Mission Activities in December:


Thanks... Thank you New Hope Family for your support and participation last month in reaching out to help families in our local community and distant locations around the world.  The following mission activities were a huge success: The Boots & Mits Drive, Salvation Army Giving Tree, Lakota Indian Children donations, Operation Christmas Child (Shoebox Ministry), and Encouragement Cards to needy children in Mecosta County.


 Royal View Worship Service:  Our Royal View friends continue to attend and become engaged in our monthly services.  This time of worship has been very meaningful for all involved.  Please include a prayer to families of several Royal View (worship) friends who recently passed away.  Contact Wally if you feel lead to assist.


Upcoming Mission Activities:


[NEW].... ‘Soothe the Soul Soup Supper’ (JAN 15th, 5-7pm):  The Mission Team is spearheading a monthly Soup Supper (third Wed of Month) starting Jan 15th (5-7pm).  This mission event is financially supported by the Jack and Dee Smith Memorial Fund. Our intent is to provide a community outreach opportunity for neighbors to enjoy a time of fellowship that will include: a meal, live Christian music,and a short devotional.  The meal will be rather simple, requiring only a few volunteers. A kids’ activity and storytelling area will also be provided.  Set Up will be 7:00pm (Tue) Jan 14th,following the Mission Team meeting at 7:00pm. We could use a few more volunteers besides Mission Team members.  Contact Sue Reed or Wally Ewing if you would like to assist.


Royal View Worship Service (JAN 19th):   Mission Team Members will be conducting the worship service and providing Communion for our friends at Royal View.  Contact Wally if you would like to serve in this special ministry.  


Family Fun Night (Winterfest) FEB 12th (5:30-7:30): Our next big Family Fun Night will be in February and will provide families with a Winterfest experience similar to last year’s event.  The “Winterfest” activities will kick off with an interactive worship program in the Sanctuary, followed by a Pancake Supper,then feature a passport-based Winter Carnival with stations in the gym.  This is a huge church-wide event that also provides our NH Family with a special time of fellowship as we provide hospitality to our local families.  It therefore requires many volunteers. Please, please, please sign up on the Sign-Up board for a task (sure to be enjoyable). Contact Wally E., Ed L., or Sue R. for more info.  Let’s provide a blessing to our community.


Small Group Mission Activities:  See other announcements about the great things our NHGMC Small Groups are doing to support mission ministries…..


Be‘In Mission’:


Let’s put our faith & words into loving action through mission work. 


For more info or questions…. contact a Mission Ministry Group member or Wally Ewing (Director) at (231) 414-4793 (text or call), or email wallygator57@hotmail.com.


“In His Service” -- The Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group




Office Phone: 231-972-2838                                                            


Office Email:  newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell: 231-330-8521 


Pastor’s Email:  pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com


Website: www.new-hope-church.org