Bulletins >


children in countries we can only dream of seeing. Every box shows a child that someone somewhere is thinking of them.


This is a great way to spread the love of Jesus to children, as well as fun toys and cool clothes.  Thank you for your support!




Please consider joining the choir:  we need more voices.You don’t have to sing solos or be a dominant voice, just join us in song.  Choir practice starts on Wednesday, September 4 at 4:00pm.  We will begin practicing for our Christmas Contata at that time.


Hope to see you there. Nancy


Disciple 2

Disciple 2 will be offered this fall starting Wednesday, September 11.  This is a 32-week course with time off for holiday.  It will be taught at New Hope ,in Mecosta on Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3. If interested or you need more information, please contact Sherry Anderson at 231-972-7679.  She needs to know how many want to join so she can offer the books by mid-August. God Bless.



Away Local Mission Trip (SEP 12-14, 2024):  The “Mission & Retreat 2024” is a ‘go’.  We are now compiling a list of participants, preparing registration packets and schedules,and seeking friends and neighbors to join us; maximum of 18 people.  The mission work will consist of a variety of options for all ages, and will not be labor intensive.  Contact anyone from the Mission Team, or Wally, to be added to our participants list. This will be an uplifting experience as we help local faith-based organizations support children and families of Mecosta County, and a time of renewal for everyone’s “faith walk”.


8/18 Worship Stewardship Report                                                     

Tithes & Gifts: General - $   1,906.00                                                            

Building –$ 170.00 / Plate - $33.00

Attendance: 70                                                                                             



                                          Church Office Hours:                                      

                       Monday – Wednesday 9 AM to Noon






Tuesday:    10:00 AM – Craft Circle                                           

                    3:30 PM– Men’s Bible Study                                                                                                                                          Thursday:     9:00AM – Darts                                                                                                                                  

Friday:  Pastor’s Day Off                                                            


Saturday:    9:00 AM – Darts                                                       


Sunday: 9:45 AM – Worship Service