Bulletins >


New Hope Global Methodist Church

                                           September 08, 2024



Order of Worship           

Hymn Sing:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Welcome/Announcements:                                                                   Pastor Wayne


Hymn:   Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone                                                  Video


CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                           Karen Woodruff 


Leader: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come,


People: and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead,

             and the ruler of the kings of the earth.


Leader: To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, made us to be a kingdom, of priests serving his God and Father,

People: to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.


Opening Prayer:                                                                                  Karen Woodruff                                                                                                                      

Special Music:                                                                    


Children’s Moment:                                                                            Sally McKenney                                                                            

Hymn:   Stand by Me                                                                                  On Screen

(ushers collect Prayer cards)                                       


Pastoral Prayer /Lord’s Prayer                                                                                               

Offertory /Doxology:                                                      


Scripture Reading:   Daniel 10:1-21                                                    Karen Woodruff


Sermon:   Behind the Curtain                                                                Pastor Wayne                                                                                        

Hymn:   Savior Again, to Thy Dear Name                                                  On Screen                  (Joyful Noise)                                   


Postlude:Standing on the Promises                                                        Nancy Galka   



Prayer Requests


Continued healing prayers for Betty and Jim Stewart, Jerry and Vivian Smith, Sharon Gray, Trudy Crowley.


Healing prayers for Kerry Rhoderick who is back in the hospital in GR.


Travel safely for family.


Unspoken prayers.


Prayers for Larry Karcher who has shingles.


Continued prayers for Alice Karcher.


Prayers for all those with cancer.


Prayers for everyone who is ill and for the world.


Healing prayers for Phyllis Anderson.


Prayers for all those who cannot make it to Gods house and all those who need God in their lives.


Prayers for relief from foot pain, let thy will be done, Father who heals all diseases.


Prayers for revival in our Nation.


Prayers for hostages in Israel.


Prayers for all Jews around the World.


Prayers for America!


Praise for Dave’s successful nasal surgery.


Thankful to God, our house in Canadian Lakes sold Friday.


Praise God for His love and care and for the good weather.



What’s Happening at New Hope



Benevolence/Joyful Noise

This week is Benevolence Sunday.


Pastor’s Bible Study

Pastor Wayne will be doing a Revelation Bible Study beginning Sunday, September 22, 11:15 AM.


Church Conference

Our first Church Conference will be October 28, 2024 at 6 pm here at New Hope GMC.


Second Saturday Munch Bunch

The Second Saturday Munch Bunch will meet for dinner on Saturday, September 14 at 5pm at Tally’s Bar & Grill located at the Pines Golf Course at Lake Isabella.  The address for Tally’s is 1022 S. Clubhouse Drive in Lake Isabella.   The Second Saturday Munch Bunch is open to everyone in the church and is a great way to get to know other people. We usually meet at a restaurant the second Saturday of each month for dinner. Come enjoy a great meal, conversation, and fellowship!  There is no obligation to going every second Saturday—come when you are able to!  If you have never attended one of our outings, why not try us!   There is a sign-up board located in the Narthex by the pastor’s office.    Any questions, please call Laura Hall at 231-972-7000. 


Tribute Quartet in Concert at New Hope

Back by popular demand, Tribute Quartet will be in concert at New Hope on Sunday,September 15 at 4 pm.  Doors open at 3pm.   Since 2006, multi-award winning and multi-Dove Award nominated recording artist Tribute Quartet has become one of the country’s most dynamic, beloved, and sought-after male quartets in all of gospel music.  With a career that has already spanned the U.S., as well as several foreign countries, Tribute continues to shine a Light into a world in need of truth, hope, love, and healing.  With several awards and # 1songs to their credit, Tribute’s music continues to inspire and encourage generations of believers. 


Come enjoy a wonderful concert filled with humor and great uplifting music!   Tickets can be purchased before and after the services on Sundays at the Welcome Center. Advanced ticket price is $18 and the day of the concert ticket price is$22. Questions, please call Greg/Laura at 231-972-7000.



Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

It's that time of year again!  While you are on the golf course or playing on the beach,retailers are already thinking fall.  Summer clothes and toys are being marked down for quick sales, and back to school supplies are now at the best price of the year.  It's the perfect time to think of Shoeboxes!


Mary-Martha Circle is looking forward to packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in only three short months.  With the generosity of New Hope we have been able to send shoeboxes to children in countries we can only dream of seeing.  Every box shows a child that someone somewhere is thinking of them.


This is a great way to spread the love of Jesus to children, as well as fun toys and cool clothes. Thank you for your support.



9/01 Worship Stewardship Report  

Tithes & Gifts: General - $ 6,700.00                                                                  

Building –$ 125.00  /Plate - $ 26.00

Attendance: 62                                                                                          



Light the Church –“Letting Your Light  Shine” (Matthew 5:16)                    



                       September’s ‘MISSION MOMENT’

The Mission and Community Outreach Ministries Group continues to provide or identify opportunities for our NH church family to ‘be in mission’ within our community so that we might make Disciples of Christ.  Being in mission means reaching out primarily to people outside our own church and sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  We are to put faith into action in a meaningful way whereby it gives hope, shows mercy, and uplifts those in our community who may be discouraged.


Completed Mission Activities (Last Month):


> Royal View Worship Service (Aug 18th)…


Upcoming Mission Activities:

> Campfire Music Gatherings (Sep 8 thru Oct 20):  The Mission Team and the Worship Design Team will be hosting and help kick off a weekly time of fellowship and music around the campfire.  Our first gathering is set for Sunday SEP 8th(5-7pm) at the NHGMC fire circle.  So, bring your own snacks (to share), drink, chair, and a neighbor.   And, feel free to bring an instrument/guitar to play, or just bring your voice to sing along.  We hope to see you there!


> Royal View Worship Service (Sep 15th):  Mission Team Members (Wally, Rachel, Sheila, Karrie) will be conducting the worship service for our friends at Royal View.  This will include Holy Communion (via Pastor Wayne and Sally).  Consider spending time in this special ministry.


> “Mission Moment Highlights” (Sep 29th): September’s Highlight will be about NHGMC’s involvement with God’s Helping Hands program.


> Away Local Mission Trip (SEP 12-14,2024):  The “Retreat & Mission Trip 2024” is set to happen.    We still have room for more participants. If you or a friend/neighbor are interested, please see Wally.  We will have an exciting and rewarding Retreat Program while at Cran Hill Ranch and then ‘be in mission’ at Angels of Action and W.I.S.E.    We look forward to serving our community and experiencing a time of renewal in everyone’s ‘faith walk’.


> Guest Speaker (Missionary):  Pastor Wayne’s brother, a ‘missionary’, will be speaking to our congregation, in conjunction with our Mission Trip Testimonies on Sunday, Sep 15th.  An additional Missionary Talk will be provided in the near future.  Note: These special presentations help us meet one of our Mission Ministry goals.


> “Family Night Programs”:  We will be continuing with our Family Night programs this school year.  J Three events will be conducted: Trunk or Treat (Oct 31), Winter-Fest(January ?), Dinner & a Movie (March ?). Please consider helping out with one of these events, as we as a church family reach out to members of our community.


>‘Trunk or Treat at NHGMC’: The Mission Team invites one and all to share the word of God and the grace of Christ with our community by participating in our big‘Trunk or Treat’ outreach event coming up next month.  Please consider parking your vehicle (in NHGMC parking lot) and decorating your trunk. Pick a theme about a bible character or a bible story and share a little‘info’ as we all hand out candy on Halloween (Oct 31st).  Or, drop off bags of candy at the church welcome desk, starting in Oct.  We have other ways to serve and/or help prepare for this event as well.  Contact person is: Wally or any Mission Team member.


> “Fall Mission Activities”:  The mission team will  be supporting and/or coordinating these events…


        *SEPT 12-14:  Retreat & Mission Trip


        * SEPT-OCT:    Campfire Music Gatherings


        *OCT 6-20:   GHH Food Drive


* OCT 31:      Trunk of Treat at NHGMC


        *NOV 25:      Thanksgiving Meal Cards (needy families, via  

                              Mecosta Elementary School)



Other Mission Related Activities:

>Sponsoring Pastors in Ethiopia:  NHGMCis excited to now support and sponsor GM pastors in Ethiopia, through an annual donation.  This is in cooperation with our Global Methodist Conference (Great Lakes Conference) sponsorship program.  


        > Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes: Mary-Martha Circle has begun spearheading this year’s program; church support requested.Contact person: Pat Leiter; (989) 824-1113.


> Apple Pie Sale:  Faith Circle is again taking the lead on New Hope’s famous Apple Pie Sale.   Talk to Faith Circle members for more details, and sign up to purchase your delicious apple pies.  Funds raised help Faith Circle support various mission-related activities.


Be ‘In Mission’ :

This month, New Hope family, let Matthew 25:35-36 and 1 John 3-18 inspire and lead you to share your talents, skills, and spiritual gifts to grow in your Christian walk…..Let’s put our faith & words into loving action through mission work.


For more info or questions…. contact a Mission Team member or Wally Ewing (Team Leader) at (231) 414-4793 (text or call), or email wallygator57@hotmail.com .


In His Service,                                                                                       


Wally Ewing and the Mission and Community Outreach Ministry Group




                                           Church Office Hours:                                                                          Monday – Wednesday 9AM to Noon


                                     Office Phone: 231-972-2838


                            Office Email:   newhope.mecosta@gmail.com


Pastor’s Cell:          


                            Pastor’s Email: pastorwayne.newhope@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                                                        Website: www.new-hope-church.org





                               Monday:    12:30 PM Mary Martha                                                                 5:00 PM SPRC Meeting


                               Tuesday:     10:00 AM – Craft Circle                                                           2:00 PM – Worship Team Meeting                                                        3:30 PM – Men’s Bible Study                                                    7:00 PM – Missions Mtg.                                                                                               

Thursday:     8:30 AM  –  Methodist Men’s Meeting                                                               9:00 AM Darts

Missions Retreat


Friday:     Pastor’s Day Off

Missions Retreat

11 AM-1 PM –  Flower (Mum) Sale


Saturday:    9:00AM – Darts

                                                       5:00 PM - 2nd Sat. Munch Bunch

Missions Retreat

                                             11 AM-1 PM –  Flower (Mum) Sale


Sunday:      9:45 AM – Worship Service

Flower (Mum) Sale, After Service

4:00 PM – Tribute Quartet Concert